Domain Name Meaning Oxford Dictionary

Domain name definition a name owned by a person or organization and consisting of an alphabetical or alphanumeric sequence followed by a suffix indicating the top level domain.
Domain name meaning oxford dictionary. Oxford english dictionary online definition of oxford english dictionary online by the. The part of an email or website address on the internet that shows the name of the organization. This dictionary covers over 6 000 names in common use in english including the traditional and the very newest. A domain is a particular field of thought activity or interest especially one over which someone has control influence or rights.
From french domaine alteration by association with latin dominus lord of old french demeine belonging to a lord see demesne. Google s english dictionary is provided by oxford languages. It tells you the age origin and meaning of the name as well as how it has fared in terms of popularity and who the. Used as an internet address to identify the.
Oxford collocations dictionary lands owned or ruled by a particular person government etc especially in the past the spice islands were within the spanish domains. Oxford english dictionary an unabridged dictionary constructed on historical principles o e d oed based on wordnet 3 0 farlex clipart. The part of a network address that identifies it as belonging to a particular domain. An area of interest or an area over which a person has control.
When fe65 was bound to the binding domain of the tail the researchers could see that there was another binding domain on the tail that could bind another protein origin late middle english denoting heritable or landed property. See also eminent domain.