Domain Specific Configurations Require That Hostname Aware Checkservertrusted
One of them is an develpment server accessible only in my com.
Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware checkservertrusted. Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware checkservertrusted x509certificate string string is. If i remove the domain config entry the connection works. Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware checkservertrusted x509certificate string string is used 原因就是加了上述限制后 只允许注册过的 domain 才可以明文请求 云信im就是明文请求 http 所以被制裁了 解决. Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware checkservertrusted x509certificate string string is used at android.
If you look at the stack trace you will see that the weborb client does getoutputstream on an httpurlconnnection. Certainly we debugged it in plenty of detail we just will not introduce any workarounds for some crappy fb implementations. Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware checkservertrusted x509certificate string string is used detail. The app do requests to two servers.
The network security configuration feature lets apps customize their network security settings in a safe declarative configuration file without modifying app code. Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware checkservertrusted x509certificate string. Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware checkservertrusted x509certificate string string is used.
Android p 分享twitter失败 mob官方论坛. My app is getting a sslhandshakeexception since i updated my app to use a network security config.